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Thursday, 11 September 2008

Ace Café Reunion 2008 -70th anniversary, 12-14 Sept. London


Mediolanum Chapter C'é
Giovedì 11 settembre 2008 , un poker d'"Assi" del Mediolanum Chapter: Austin,Alex,Manuel e Valeriano, questa mattina all'alba ha svalvolato in direzione di Calais-Londra, circa 1.300 Km di strada. Prevista una fermata intermedia ed arrivo a Londra venerdì 12 nel tardo pomeriggio per iniziare una non stop di tre giorni: le patches del Mediolanum chapter saranno quindi presenti all'Ace Reunion Café 2008. Rientro lunedì 15 settembre. Gli auguriamo un buon viaggio ed una indimenticabile esperienza da raccontare nei nostri incontri del giovedì sera all'Antik Café lungo i Navigli . Chissà se le pezze del Mediolanum Chapter riusciranno ad infilarsi tra le pieghe della TVs USA Speed Channel.
Non una corsa, non una gita, ma una missione! Questa la promessa/minaccia che i mitici ASSI, rivolgono agli oltre 80.000 (si…ottantamila!!!) bikers che prenderanno parte alla Ace reunion 2008 Solo a nominarlo il Café fa venire la pelle d’oca a tutti gli street racers del globo, figuriamoci cosa significa viverlo dall’interno per i tre fantastici giorni della mitica riunione. Dal 12 al 14 settembre, tonnellate di bielle in varie forge e assortimenti, faranno tremare l’Ace Corner a ridosso della North circular e della Abbey Road, accompagnate dall’incessante e stordente ritmo di un Garage Rock di stampo puramente british e fiumi di birra con la quale farsi anche la doccia. Ci vediamo all’ACE dicono quelli del Café; è una promessa, o una minaccia?

Three days, Three Rides, One Reunion !

Ace Cafe London's 70th anniversary and 15th annual Ace Cafe Reunion, a special party weekend that is being filmed for USA TVs Speed Channel, starts on Friday 12th September with the arrival from 6pm of The Continental Run for the cafe's Bike Night, with Dyno Shoot-Out and rockin' sounds from The Unknowns and DJ Jimmy Guntrip. Saturday 13th September, join us for breakfast at the Ace from 7am. A Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out will depart at Noon to the London Motorcycle Museum in Greenford, which is being filmed for a USA TV documentary 'Cafe Society', returning to the cafe for a Cafe Racer Review at 2.30pm with awards for the 'Best Ridden Cafe Racer' and two runners-up, being presented by special guests Colin Campbell (Actor in the film 'The Leather Boys'), David Hailwood, Dave Degens and actor Oliver Tobias (featured in the book 'Rockers! by Johnny Stuart)
From Noon until late, The London Rockin Rollers, who will steal your hearts and then your con rods, will be adding some eight-wheeled thrills and spills, together with a Dyno Shoot-Out, raising funds in aid of the Jeans for Genes Genetic Roadmap Appeal. You can also make your visit count, by being sponsored by family and friends, be it as a solo rider, group or club. Go to the homepage on the Ace Cafe London website to download a sponsorship form or pick one up at the cafe."Little Miss Dynamite", the Stonebridge Motor Company built S&S engined Ace Cafe Racer will make her debut at 4pm with an opportunity to meet the builders, followed by a photographic review of the history of the Ace. The line-up of entertainment includes some of the top all British rock n' roll bands on the circuit, The Coy Dogs, Furious, and Crazy Cavan & The Rhythm Rockers with DJs Tracy Dick, Bill & Jimmy Guntrip spinning the wax, plus a 'Best of Burlesque' with Miss Zara Ann.
Sunday 14th September, the Brighton Burn Up & Ride With The Rockers to Brighton's famous seafront road, Madeira Drive. The Ace opens at 7am with the ride leaving the cafe at 10.30am. Madeira Drive will be open to the public from 9.30am. Attractions on the Ace seafront stage feature bands, The Rhythm Aces, The Diamonds, plus DJs Bill & Jimmy Guntrip, a seafront blessing by Father Scott Anderson & Father Dennis McSwinney of the 59 Club at 2pm, a presentation of the Ace Cafe London, Bike Legal and BikeSafe prize Scooter at 2.15pm and the introduction of Stonebridge Motor Company, builders of the S&S engined Ace Cafe Racer, "Little Miss Dynamite", at 2.30pm.The Ball of Steel from their home in Texas , are on their first ever UK tour, and will be performing their amazing motorcycle stunts. With nine years experience on National Tour, these riders, fuelled by Monster Energy Drink, have been dubbed the youngest motorcycle stunt team in the world.The show is a high energy fully self-contained performance that features 3 riders inside a 14ft steel globe as well as a free-style show on mini bikes, jumping from steel to steel.With sound equipment, MC and DJ who are almost as entertaining as the riders, you will leave this years Ace Cafe Reunion with a smile on your face and a high heart rate!Stands and displays include from Triumph, Yamaha and BMW to Brooklands (2008 being the centennial of motorcycle racing at the legendary circuit), the 59 Club, VMCC, Busy Bee Club, BMRC, Jukebox Madness and many more!